Brothers Home background

Brothers' HomeHistorical Archive

Explore the real history behind the fiction, discover the story of Brothers' Home, and learn how this historical event has been brought back into public consciousness through modern popular culture.

Years of Operation
Documented Cases
Historical Records

Fiction vs Reality

See how Squid Game reflects the real history of Brothers' Home

Living Conditions

Contestant dormitory in Squid Game
In Squid Game

Contestants are housed in a vast, industrial space with stacked beds, stripped of privacy and dignity. The sterile, institutional environment emphasizes the dehumanization of the participants.

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Historical Truth

Uncover the documented history and evidence of Brothers' Home

The Vision:

As Seoul prepared to dazzle the world with the Asian Games and Olympics, the government faced a pressing question: What to do with those who didn't fit their vision of a modern nation?

The Reality:

Located near a residential area, Brothers' Home hid in plain sight. Local authorities didn't just turn a blind eye - they actively participated.

Memory & Reflection

How modern storytelling brought a forgotten history back into the light

Breaking Silence

When "Squid Game" captured global attention, it did more than entertain--it created a space where long-silenced voices could finally be heard.

Cultural Impact

Through the lens of popular media, a new generation discovered this history, proving that art can bridge the gap between past trauma and present understanding.